Leveraging a rich legacy of artistic influence, Mitchel Coffman is a New York City based, award-winning independent artist with a passion for storytelling. Art has always been a profound love of his, cultivated by the dream that his father, an illustrator, never saw realized. Driven by his father’s unfulfilled aspirations, Coffman embarked on a journey to actualize his own artistic dreams.

Coffman’s artistic foundation was shaped by working alongside skilled professionals such as animator Walter Storozuk during his formative years. Later, in graduate school, Coffman had the privilege of being a studio apprentice to the esteemed master painter Jorge Alvarez. The diverse teachings from these two mentors uniquely shaped Coffman’s artistic style, allowing him to blend a range of techniques and influences into his creations.

Inspired by a legacy of artistry and mentorship, Coffman’s practice is a blend of tradition and innovation. He aspires to create work that echoes the depth of his artistic journey.

